Quality Assurance

Amir Rice Mills, emphasizes on the standardized quality of its food products and has as a result, been awarded with numerous certifications for its unflagging efforts. At this point it is imperative to mention that the company is ISO 9001 certified from a leading certification body.

Our business practices and processes are designed to achieve quality results that exceed the expectations of customers, colleagues, investors, business partners and regulators.Our investment in modern machinery and strict quality control processes has enabled our rice to pass the toughest chemical tests invoked by the government of Japan. Amir Rice Mills has three independent reprocessing plants, which consist of pre-cleaners, paddy separators, de-stoners, Whiteners, double stage mist polishers, length graders and finally the world’s best color sorting machines from buhler and satake.

Amir Rice Mills has 9 fumigation chamber within the mill’s premises, where the rice is fumigated before processing and finally after packing. Taken seriously as a business responsibility, premium quality in our products has been a significant ambition in the course of our operation. Therefore, we pay close attention to our production process, which includes expertise staffs, raw material selection, newly innovative machineries, advanced quality control, and stock control systems. We have a relentless passion for Quality in everything we do.

rice lab of amir rice mills
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